Monday, 9 December 2013

I Hate Trains, Pt II

"I got off at the other end of the platform so had to walk (for me) a long way to get to the escalators. By the time I'd reached the queue at the bottom of the stairs, the next lot of commuters were getting off their train and were joining me. Slightly pointless comment, but I guess it does prove that ramming yourself onto the first train and forcing yourself to endure someone's sweaty armpit is completely pointless if you can just bear to wait a whole minute for the next train."
- Morgan Shaw

Sunday, 8 December 2013

I Hate Trains

Recently, I've written a lot about how my life has changed a lot for the better, in no small part due to the wonderful influence of a certain, undeniably beautiful Miss Morgan Shaw (yep, let's begin with an entrée of mozzarella - start as you mean to continue, and all that). However, it's not all been plain sailing through the comfortably still waters of Lake Wonderful, there are certain parts of our day to day life that certainly have introduced new forms of discomfort, awkwardness and general loathing.
I am, of course, talking about trains.